animal kingdom: 2
10 GEneral knowledge animal kingdom questions
What is the collective noun for a group of crows? A murder
Generally, what is heavier: a hippopotamus or a white rhinoceros? White rhinoceros
What is the fastest land animal in the world? Cheetah
True or false: an ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain? True
What is the national animal of Russia? Brown bear
Name two living animals, other than elephants and rhinoceros, that have tusks. Warthog, narwhal, walrus and babirusa
A lumpsucker is what sort of animal? A fish
There are only two living mammals that can lay eggs, name either of them for one point. Duck-billed platypus or spiny anteater (echidna)
How many legs does a lobster have? Ten
Which animal’s name means “little armoured one” in Spanish? Armadillo