board games: ANSWERS


  1. What is the name of the victim in Cluedo? Dr. Black (UK) or Mr. Boddy (American)

  2. With which board game would you associate Bernard, Eric, Frans, Maria and Anita? Guess Who!

  3. Which two letters are worth 8 points in the game of Scrabble? ‘J’ and ‘X

  4. Which board game takes it name from the Latin for “I play”? Ludo

  5. The phrase “back to square one” originates, or is thought to originate, from which board game? Snakes and Ladders

  6. In the traditional game of Risk, what colour is the continent of Europe? Blue

  7. What is the only tile on the Monopoly board to contain all of the letters of the word ‘monopoly’ in its name? Electric Company

  8. How many dice are rolled in the game Yahtzee? Five

  9. The name Jenga is derived from a word meaning ‘build’ in which language? Swahili

  10. Name the three red properties on a standard UK Monopoly board. The Strand, Trafalgar Square and Fleet Street