1. Which animal lays the largest egg in the world?

  2. The Easter Islands are part of which South American country?

  3. Who famously made decorative eggs for the Tsars of Russia?

  4. On which avenue does the New York city's famous Easter day parade take place?

  5. What is the name for Shrove Tuesday is France? It translates to “Fat Tuesday”.

  6. What was Judas paid by the Roman’s to betray Jesus?

  7. Which Beatles song famously contains the lines “I am the egg man, they are the egg men”?

  8. What is the name for a female rabbit?

  9. At just over 10 kilos each, which European country consumes the most chocolate per person per year?

    a) Switzerland

    b) The UK

    c) Belgium

  10. Which London based premiership football team has the most Easter-ly stadium?